Time marches on, and yours is running out if you want to attend TC Sessions: Space 2021 on December 14-15. If your passion and/or livelihood is rooted in building the space 2.0 economy, why the heck wouldn’t you attend the premiere conference for early-stage space startups? We’re looking at you, last-minute decision makers.

Beat the deadline: Avoid the day-of ticket price hike and buy a late-registration pass before December 13 at 11:59 pm (PT) and save a cool $110.

This two-day interactive conference features top subject-matter experts including aerospace primes, founders, investors, scientists, engineers, government and military policymakers and academics.

We’re especially thrilled to bring so many smart women to the stage at TC Sessions: Space. Here’s a brief, but spectacular rundown of women who are forging the future of space. You’ll find their specific presentations listed in the event agenda.

  • Natalya Bailey, co-founder & CTO of Accion Systems
  • Kelyn Brannon, CFO at Astra
  • Lisa Callahan, VP and GM of Commercial Civil Space at Lockheed Martin Space
  • Lucy Condakchian, general manager of robotics at Maxar Technologies
  • Ariane Cornell, director of Astronaut and Orbital Sales at Blue Origin
  • Dr. Debra L. Emmons, VP of Special Studies, Office of the Executive Vice President, at The Aerospace Corporation
  • Tess Hatch, VP at Bessemer Venture Partners
  • Kathleen C. Howell, Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University
  • Callie Lissinna, co-founder and COO of Wyvern
  • Kathy Lueders, associate administrator, Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA
  • Lauren Lyons, COO at Firefly Aerospace
  • Lisa Rich, founder and COO of Xplore
  • Jessica Robinson, co-founder and partner of Assembly Ventures
  • Jennifer L. Ross, head of partnerships at ABL Space Systems

TC Sessions: Space 2021’s two-day mission takes place on December 14-15. Last-minute decision makers — don’t pay more at the door. Heed this call and register for your pass before December 13 at 11:59 pm (PT).

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Space 2021? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

Marquise Foster

By hd2and

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