With just a tad less than a week until TC Sessions: Space 2021 launches its massive knowledge payload, we’d like to take this opportunity to tip our space helmets to our sponsors. Yes, they write the checks that help make this stellar event possible, but they don’t just cut-checks-and-run.
They also bring considerable subject-matter expertise and mission-critical insights that can help early-stage space startups take flight and maintain orbit.
Obligatory sales pitch reminder: Don’t miss your opportunity to learn about the latest trends and advances in space tech. It’s prime networking territory, too. Buy your pass today.
Ready to learn more about the knowledge payload waiting for you in the sponsored presentations and breakout sessions? Read on, and check the event agenda for the specific days. Note: All listed times will automatically reflect your geographic time zone.
Fast Money, Team Space: Company Concept, Capital and Customers — Disruptive and game-changing technology and entrepreneurial initiatives are the new space norm. However, a great technical design is not enough to sustain these entrepreneurial pursuits. Growing an idea across markets also takes capital and customers. Transitioning from concept to development phase is more likely to succeed when a company can obtain stable forms of capital and potential long-term customers. Today’s Fast Money session — with Jordan Noone (Embedded Ventures) and Chris O’Connor (Harpoon Ventures) — focuses on how a startup was able to identify the right venture partners to grow their business and secured opportunities to prototype and test their designs with the U.S. government. Presented by The Aerospace Corporation.
Securing Space at Speed — The demand signal is clear: the U.S. government needs to spur innovative commercial capabilities to excel in an increasingly contested space domain. Hear directly from Steve Isakowitz (The Aerospace Corporation), Pete Muend (National Reconnaissance Office) and Tim Trimailo (Blackjack/CASINO, SSC/DCIR) — leaders driving government-commercial collaborations about opportunities to help usher in the next era of achievement in space. Presented by The Aerospace Corporation.
How Tech Startups Do Business with the DoD and U.S. Space Force — Sam Riehn (SBIR Advisors Inc.) will describe the three main problems technology startups face when working with the Dept of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Space Force. he’ll discuss how you can overcome them to win multi-million-dollar deals using the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Presented by SBIR Advisors Inc.
University Showcase: New Frontiers in Space Exploration From OSAM to xGEO — As space technology gets smaller and less expensive, more and more countries, universities and people can participate. We’ve seen thousands of small satellites launched into earth orbit from numerous developers over the past decade, many of whom were new to space. What’s next for on-orbit servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (OSAM) and orbital debris clean up as small spacecraft move beyond earth orbit and the geostationary satellite belt (xGEO) into open space (cis-lunar space), and onto the lunar surface itself? We’re showcasing university trail blazers in space exploration. Meet the people working on the projects — Jonathan Black (Virginia Tech), Dr. Debra L. Emmons (The Aerospace Corporation), Kathleen C Howell (Purdue University), Moriba Jah (The University of Texas at Austin) and Ricardo Sanfelice (University of California) — find out what’s ahead, and how you can participate. Learn about the technologies that are shaping a world where OSAM, xGEO and “cis-lunar” are becoming household terms. Presented by The Aerospace Corporation.
Saving the World: One Small Sat at a Time! (Sponsored by Terran Orbital) – New space companies like Terran Orbital are emerging with the capability, confidence, and financing to provide US National Security with assets that previously could only be described as conceptual. In many cases, these companies are leading the field in technology, speed, innovation, and affordability. The emerging combination of private innovation and government support is launching a new era in aerospace enterprise.
TC Sessions: Space 2021 takes place on December 14-15. Don’t miss the big value in our sponsored sessions. Buy your pass right now and get ready to take away mission-critical information to help you build a better business.
Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Space 2021? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.
Marquise Foster